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LED Cube 8x8x8 -Single Color

8x8x8 LED cube is made up of 512 Blue color LED to display a 3-Dimensional array of LED's to get various Patterns & Animation.

LED Cube 8x8x8 -Single Color

The LED Cube is divided in 4- part
1. Fixture for LED grid 8x8
2. Soldering of LED Grid
3. Box stand for LED cube
4. PCB Circuit for LED & programming
5. Assembly of LED cube

The LED cube is designed & developed to display a 3-Dimensional array of LED's to get various Patterns & Animation.

1. Fixture for LED grid 8x8:-

The fixture is made up of wooden sheet of 8 mm thick sq plate, in which the hole is drilled of 5 mm LED to plug in & form 8x8 LED grid in total of 64 LED in the Sq frame with a distance adjacent to any LED in the grid is kept to 25.4 mm i.e. 1 inch.
the LED with positive (+) terminal is joined together to form 8 rows of LED & the Negative (-) terminal to form
other 8 column. Similarly, all the 8 set of LED grid is formed.

2. Soldering of LED Grid:-

Soldering the grid of LED is done with the help of a rectangular wooden blocks with a height of 25.4 mm & length of 100 mm, which are then placed all 4 corners of the grid & placing the other LED grid on top of it,
Similarly, all the other LED's grid are placed one after the another to form the cube 8x8x8.

3. Box stand for LED cube:-

The box is designed using a CAD modeling software, in which the placement of LED is done with the same method used to make the fixture with drilling holes of 1 mm each having the adjacent placement of 25.4 mm each side. the other sides of the box are modeled according to the circuit position & other electrical connectors to get easily placed & have accessibility to program the cube.

4. PCB Circuit for LED & programming:-

The circuit design is done with the help of Proteus simulation & the PCB soldering is done using the zero PCB to easily mount & rectify the issues while connecting the power source.
the electrical components used are:-
Micro controller- Atmega328P - 1pc
Resistor- 220 ohm - 72 pc
Shift resistor IC with Base - 74HC595 - 9 pc
Transistor- 2N2222 - 18 pc
The circuit is simply to latch all Positive (+) terminals of the 8 shift resistor IC with clk & data signal lines in series with the micro controller circuit & the 1 shift resistor IC to the Negative (-) terminals.
All the resistors are used to resist the voltage across LED connected with Shift resistor IC's & transistors to switch the state of LED from LOW to HIGH as per the micro controller feedback.
& finally the Program is loaded using the Arduino IDE to program the code & burn in the Micro controller -Atmega328P.

5. Assembly of LED cube:-

Assembly is done with the top box plate with holes drilled are filled with the LED cube & then soldering all the 64 Positive (+) terminal with the resistor IC's & the 8 Negative (-) terminal with the other shift resistor IC.
then placing all the components inside the Box & closing, then finally flashing the program in micro controller-Atmega328P.

The next version of cube can be done using RGB LED & the RGB LED Driver IC.

Temp_value Poly-IOT.PNG
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