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IOT Based Wifi controlled Motor Driver.

ESP-01 Nodemcu is used for developing the motor driver board. The motor driver used is L293D @2 Amp current consumption to driver 2-DC Motor.

IOT Based Wifi controlled Motor Driver.

The WiFi Controlled motor driver is made using an ESP-01 Nodemcu. which is a microcontroller comes with a builtin WiFi module i.e. ESP8266-07 which makes it to communicate to internet & can be accessed from any where in the world.

The driver used here is a L293D motor driver which is used to control 2-DC motor as full H-Bridge driver.
Components used are:-
Nodemcu-01 - 1pc
L293D IC with base - 1pc
Resistor - 4 pc
Heeder pins - strip
Zero PCB - 60x40 mm

The signal for driving the motor's is given through the motor driver which is driven by Nodemcu digital pins, which are connected with resistor to Pull-up the 4 pins of motor driver IC to control the rotation of each motor in clockwise & anti-clockwise direction.

This driver can be linked to any other IOT applications & controlling various functions through digital pinouts.

Temp_value Poly-IOT.PNG
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